BIOL – Global Change Ecology

Historically, drivers of global change have been solar variation, plate tectonics, evolution and extinction of life, changes in Earth’s orbit around the sun and tilt on its axis. All of these continue to affect our planet today. However, abundant, strong evidence indicates that the main driver of change on our planet are humans. In fact, in the last 250 years, global change is resulting in climate change, species extinctions, over exploitation of natural resource, loss of biodiversity, land-use change, ocean acidification, and much more.

Our objectives for this course are to:

  1. Understand how global change includes, but is not limited to, climate change;
  2. Gain a broad understanding of the mechanisms by which plants, animals, and communities are responding to global change;
  3. Use the primary literature to identify topics at the frontier of global change research;
  4. Practice and refine skills in communicating science and debating scientific issues via oral and written forms;
  5. Explain the links between physical, chemical, and biological systems, and the changes that may occur with anthropogenic forcing;
  6. Evaluate effective strategies for addressing issues associated with global change.

Price: $125

How to order the class materials:

  1. Pay for the materials by clicking on the PayPal Checkout Button.
    • You can pay with Visa, MasterCard or PayPal.
  2. We will email you a link to register your username and password .
    • If you don't see the email within 15 minutes, check your spam folder.
    • If you do not complete process at this time the link in email will expire.
    • If the link has expired, just email us at and tell us that your link expired and we will send you a username and password.
    • If you do not receive the link to register just contact us at and we will email you a username and password.

Additional payment-related information:

  • You must purchase the materials via the PayPal Check Out Button before you can log in.
  • We will email a receipt to the email address you specify when making the purchase.
  • You can access the website to view the materials as often as you like, so there's no need to download large files.
  • You can change your password at any time but will need access to the registered email.
  • The user and password are good for five months.
  • If you use the user and password with more than five IP addresses you may get locked out.  Just email us at and we will send a new user and password.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact