CHEM – Introduction to Analytical Chemistry

Introductory analytical chemistry and the modern methods of determining exactly what things are made of.

  1. Analytical Measurements, Tools
  2. Errors, Statistics
  3. Methods
  4. Calibration
  5. Chemical Equilibria, Titrations
  6. Activity, Acid-Base Equilibria
  7. Polyprotic Equil; AcidBase Titration
  8. Electrochemistry
  9. Electrodes and Potentiometry
  10. Redox Titrations, Electroanalytical
  11. Spectrophotometry
  12. Spectro. Applications and
  13. Instruments
  14. Atomic Spectroscopy
  15. Mass Spectroscopy
  16. Analytical Separations
  17. GC/LC
  18. Electrophoresis

Price: $110

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