CHEM – Nanomaterials

This course explores the basic principles associated with nanoscience and nanotechnology including: the fabrication & synthesis, size dependent properties, characterization, and applications of materials at nanometer length scales with an emphasis on recent technological breakthroughs in the field.

  • Synthesis and Fabrication: Top down vs. bottom up techniques, nucleation theory, surface energy and stabilization
  • Characterization: Composition, structure, porosity, crystallinity, single nanoparticle vs. ensemble measurements
  • Examples: General (zero – two dimensional and assembled nanostructures), specific (metals, metal oxides, semiconductors, carbon, biological)
  • Size Dependent Properties: Electrical, optical, catalytic, magnetic, thermodynamic, why purification is needed
  • Applications: Electrical, optical, catalytic, magnetic, thermodynamic, purification, sensing, biology, medicine, solar cells, etc. (Your presentation topics!)
  • Implications: Environment, health, policy, society, and education

Price: $125

How to order the class materials:

  1. Pay for the materials by clicking on the PayPal Checkout Button.
    • You can pay with Visa, MasterCard or PayPal.
  2. We will email you a link to register your username and password .
    • If you don't see the email within 15 minutes, check your spam folder.
    • If you do not complete process at this time the link in email will expire.
    • If the link has expired, just email us at and tell us that your link expired and we will send you a username and password.
    • If you do not receive the link to register just contact us at and we will email you a username and password.

Additional payment-related information:

  • You must purchase the materials via the PayPal Check Out Button before you can log in.
  • We will email a receipt to the email address you specify when making the purchase.
  • You can access the website to view the materials as often as you like, so there's no need to download large files.
  • You can change your password at any time but will need access to the registered email.
  • The user and password are good for five months.
  • If you use the user and password with more than five IP addresses you may get locked out.  Just email us at and we will send a new user and password.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact