This is an introduction to computer security for computer scientists. Topics include classical and modern techniques of conventional encryption; algorithms; public-key encryption, and hash functions; network security, with regard to e-mail, IP, and the Web; and system security intruders, viruses, worms, and firewalls. The fundamentals of network security issues are also explored.
- Classic & Modern Cryptography and Cryptanalysis (Symmetric and Public Key
- Cryptography and Cryptanalysis)
- Hash Functions, Secret Sharing and Information Hiding
- Authentication & Authorization
- Real-World Security Protocols
- Software Security
- Operating Systems and Security
- Security in Networks
- Computer Forensics
Price: $120
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- You must purchase the materials via the PayPal Check Out Button before you can log in.
- We will email a receipt to the email address you specify when making the purchase.
- You can access the website to view the materials as often as you like, so there's no need to download large files.
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