Category: Psychology

by class_admin / on 11 January, 2017

PSYC – Behavioral Addictions

Behavioral Addictions Course Materials Behavioral Addictions Textbook Interviews With Experts Expert 1 - Dr. Keith Whyte: Executive Director of National Council of Problem Gambling Expert 2 - Kelsey: Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior Expert 3 - Kathy: The Need for Weeds Expert 4 - Corynn: Hair Pulling,
by class_admin / on 27 September, 2016

PSYC – Rio Salado College – Eating Disorders

ASD285NN/CEU100-10052 Eating Disorders Seminar Part 1 Chapter 1 (Lesson 1) Chapter 2 (Lesson 2) Chapter 3 (Lesson 3) Chapter 4 (Lesson 4) References and Resources Materials Eating Disorder Review January/February Issue Eating Disorder Review March/April Issue Module 1 (TCP) The Complete Practitioner DSM-5 PowerPoint Expert
by class_admin / on 20 January, 2016

PSYC – Preparing For Graduate Study In Psychology – Class Modules

Exploring Areas of Psychology Getting Started and Introducing the Fundamentals Reviewing Career Options in Psychology Are There Too Many Psychology Majors? - Resource Document file download Preparing For Graduate Study In Psychology Constructing Your Time Line Getting the Necessary Courses, Research, and Experiences Applying
by class_admin / on 8 January, 2016

PSYC – Preparing For Graduate Study In Psychology Class

Graduate Admissions in psychology is very competitive, with as few as 7-8% of the applicants to some doctoral programs gaining successful admission in a given year. Do you wish you had a personal advisor who could walk you through the steps and stages of
by class_admin / on 6 August, 2015

PSYC – Eating Disorders

Course description Eating Disorders provides an introduction to the characteristics and criteria associated with a variety of forms of disordered eating. We cover anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating disorders, and overeating, among others, and overview key features of their causes, presentation, and treatment. Special